NBA金州勇士本季無緣晉級季後賽,休賽季還得面對陣中球星湯普森(Klay Thompson)與保羅(Chris Paul)的續約難題,灣區體育電台《95.7 The Game》主持人Matt Steinmetz近日就表示,勇士不該再以一哥柯瑞(Stephen Curry)為核心建隊,是時候該圍繞年輕球員建隊了。2024/05/23 12:54 -
Supply chain resiliency a focus in APEC: U.S. ambassador
U.S. Ambassador Matt Murray highlights the importance of APEC as a platform for dialogue on supply chain resilience and economic security, with a focus on the semiconductor industry, ahead of the Biden-Xi Summit.2023/11/13 11:20 -
APEC has evolved to address broader issues: U.S. ambassador
U.S. Ambassador Matt Murray, in a recent TVBS interview, defends the evolving role and increased significance of APEC in addressing global challenges and adapting to the changing landscape of economic cooperation and globalization.2023/11/13 11:19 -
U.S. ambassador for APEC shares hopes for summit
U.S. Ambassador Matt Murray discusses the objectives for the 2023 APEC summit in San Francisco, highlighting collaboration on regional challenges and the upcoming Biden-Xi meeting.2023/11/13 11:11 -
美國老牌報刊《華爾街日報(The Wall Street Journal)》自1889年發行以來,確定將迎來133年來第一位女總編輯塔克(Emma Tucker),寫下新的歷史紀錄。塔克將在2月開始接替離職的總編穆雷(Matt Murray)。2022/12/13 11:12